At least four people were injured Monday night during skirmish that broke out aboard a Block Island Ferry near the terminal in Narragansett, Rhode Island. While details are still coming to light, the ferry was operating on its usual route, returning from Block Island to the Port of Galilee. Several ambulances and law enforcement agencies gathered at the pier and canines were used to search the vessel after passengers were debarked. The investigation is ongoing under the supervision of the Rhode Island State Police.
Dramatic video of the United States Coast Guard boarding the ferry while underway can be found here.
While uncommon, fights aboard passenger ferries can be very dangerous. Paying passengers and crewmembers have few places to escape and avoid violence on the vessel. Moreover, once at sea, it is difficult to arrange sufficient law enforcement assistance in a timely manner. Common injuries resulting from ferry fights may include:
· Broken bones
· Lacerations
· Concussions
· Sprains
· Strains
· Back injuries
· Traumatic brain injuries
If you or a loved one was injured during a fight aboard a ferry or other passenger vessel, it is crucial to call an experienced maritime lawyer as soon as possible. You may be entitled to compensation for your medical expenses and suffering. Passengers often have a claim for negligence under general maritime law if the vessel owner caused or contributed to the brawl through actions such as over serving alcohol or a lack of security. Similarly, injured ferry crewmembers may have a claim under the Jones Act for negligence and unseaworthiness.
Mariner Law, PLLC serves injured passengers and crew in ferry accidents nationwide. A seasoned admiralty lawyer can help you navigate tricky issues such as passenger ticket notice requirements, forum selection clauses, and statutes of limitations. Don’t delay. Passenger negligence claims are often subject to stringent filing requirements of six months and one year. Call (253) 600-2531 for a free consultation about your potential case.